Sen. Jerry Relph (left) | Facebook
Sen. Jerry Relph (left) | Facebook
Sen. Jerry Relph (R-St. Cloud) recently reflected on the many accomplishments made during the legislative session this year.
“I led the way in passing the initial public health response to the COVID-19 pandemic, made sure worker’s compensation was available to frontline workers, and made sure COVID-19 testing and treatment is available to all,” Relph said in a post on the Minnesota Senate Republican Caucus website.
Other legislation passed included bills to prevent the elderly and vulnerable adults from being financially exploited, to create an insulin assistance program and enhance election security.
“It was a different session, but we were still able to get things done for the people of Minnesota,” Relph said in the post. “However, I am disappointed we adjourned the session without getting a deal on a capital investment bill, a tax bill that includes Section 179 conformity, housing infrastructure, or assistance for small businesses suffering during the pandemic. I am also disappointed we were not able to reach an agreement with the governor to get people back to work in a safe manner.”